Dedicated to truth, wholesome living, loving our neighbor and walking the straight and narrow.

Monday, October 16, 2006


In a Japanese temple, an image of a meditating Buddha is seated on a lotus blossom. In front of him are three little monkeys, one with its hands over its eyes, another over its ears, and the third covering its mouth. What do these three monkeys signify? By its gesture the first one says: " I do not see evil and folly." The second one says: "I do not hear them." and the third: "I do not speak them."

In the same way, the wise man is prudent in what he looks at, in what he listens to, and in what he says. He considers the consequences, thinks of tomorrow, and if he does not know his way, he asks.

Hi. Yeah, it's me. A new look. No, really it's the same old me. I thought I'd post it because it is the latest I've taken. Go ahead, enjoy. Throw darts at. I was really trying to put this new picture up at the top right where the picture of the fat boy in the blue shirt is. But I forgot how to do it, for now. I know, the boy in this picture is fat too. Can't fool you can I.

I'm sorry it has been so long since I've blogged. I sort of got bogged down writing a church history for my church. The church is 100 years old. And I'm only a little over half way, it won't take me 50 years to finish it. At least I hope not. Tomorrow I will try to take up where I left off with the New Age and their work on our children in school. Several have told me I need to simplify the language in my writing. I will do that on the next editing. I will edit the whole thing several times before it's ready for publication. And I do want it to be readable for the general audience.

I've been reading more interesting books about what's going on in the world. In my opinion, the world situation is really strange. Events are happening every day that make the world even stranger than it was yesterday. Globalism. Global warming. Global this, global that. You would think we are headed into a global situation all-together. That is the goal, in case you've read ahead, of the New Age. The pieces are coming together. I'll stop here, for now.