Kansas Congressman Todd Tiahrt is facing criticism for telling the truth.
The congressman's recent comments targeted tax-funded abortions, arguing such services would encourage single moms living below the poverty level to abort their unborn children. Tiahrt then made this supposition: "If you take that scenario and apply it to many of the great minds we have today, who would we have been deprived of? Our president grew up in those similar circumstances. If that financial incentive was in place, is it possible that his mother may have taken advantage of it?"
Some in the liberal press and Congress are demanding an apology from Tiahrt for his comments. Troy Newman of Operation Rescue makes note of the congressman's statement, and offers this supporting explanation:
"The African-American population actually experiences a much higher rate of abortions than white people do," explains the pro-life leader. "And...if taxpayer-funded abortions were available back when Judge Clarence Thomas was conceived, or even Barack Obama was conceived, there's a high probability that they would have been aborted."
A documentary called Maafa 21 documents what many African-American pastors are now calling "genocide" directed at the black population. "The African-American population only makes up 13 percent of the population of America," Newman points out, "but they account for 36 percent of all abortions." In addition, statistics show the abortion rate among black women is five times higher than that for white women.
In a press release, Operation Rescue says Tiahrt's comments "were exactly on point, and actually did not go far enough."
As for the calls for an apology for citing statistics that show black women are disproportionately targeted for abortion? "It is a legitimate question that needs to be asked," says Newman. "[But] the last thing abortion promoters want is dialog on this subject."
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