Children in the New Age
Children have not been left out by the spiritual “transformation” of their elders. Not hardly. The children in fact, are the main targets of the New Age (NA) monster. It is the children who will be the leaders, teachers, politicians, lawmakers, and parents of tomorrow. What they are taught today, in our schools and at home, will have a tremendous impact on the direction our society of the future will take.
What our children are learning about things like; who or what God is and about who they are, what the nature of reality is, what happens to a person after death, and what morality and ethics are based on. It is sobering to realize to what extent the answers they are developing to these and other crucial questions are firmly entrenched in occultic philosophy. The question of how occultism is affecting our children is no longer one that parents can afford to ignore. They must awaken to the realization that these things are happening in our own public school system.
Our kids have been marked for capture. Satan, the Lord of Hell wants our children. Not because he thinks they are cute and innocent. He has a plan to use our kids, and he’s determined to have them in his control. Texe Marrs, in Ravaged by the New Age says, “Almost four decades ago (around 1945, after WWII) NA leaders were given their marching orders by their hellish master, ‘Go forth,’ they were commanded, ‘and cast your rotten nets. Now is the time to harvest the youth of America and the globe.’” Gaining total control of the education of the world’s children is the primary goal of the New Age leadership. When Satan says jump, New Age leaders move quickly.
Notice the similarity of Satan’s orders to God’s directions from the Bible. This instance reminds me of Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus leaves marching orders for His disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Satan has ordered his New Age disciples to go to every nation and take control of every school, which includes day care, pre-school and kindergarten. Satan’s curriculum continues into colleges and universities, trade schools, and especially teacher training schools. After the souls of the teachers have been captured they are sent into the world to be “Change Masters,” promoting the unholy New Age gods and doctrines inside the classroom. They have been doing this since the 1940s, but as the end times get closer, they have been picking up the speed at which they work.
Teachers are instructed to sneak their New Age curriculums into the classroom to get around the objections of Christian fundamentalist parents, and are taught devious ways of teaching the curriculum and to say what they need to say to appear to obey the school’s regulations: “Be creative,” they are told, “but do it!”
These New Age workers have a detailed plan to contaminate every child in the world and to create a flaming network of Satanic workers to execute every detail of the plan. Like a giant vacuum cleaner, NA occultism is sweeping across the whole world, sucking up innocent children in its dirt bag.
The humanists and their forerunners were at work in this county long before the New Age menace came up from the pit. Since 1805 when Harvard University came under control of the Unitarians and started turning out teachers trained in anti-Christian perspectives, our schools have been under atheistic influence. They were in no hurry, they had a plan to give American children a “proper education,” which would allow them to eventually establish a socialist state.
According to one Universalist/Owenite, Orestes A. Brownson:
“The object was to get rid of Christianity and to convert our churches into halls of science. The plan was not to make open attacks on religion . . . but to establish a system of state schools . . . from which all religion was to be excluded, in which nothing was to be taught but such knowledge as is verifiable by the senses, and to which all parents were to be compelled by law to send their children . . . “[Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Is Public Education Necessary? (Old Greenwidch, CT, 1981), p. 85.]
Education has been a powerful ally of Humanism and they have turned almost every American public school into a school of Humanism. Our churches have worked diligently to provide space, literature and trained teachers for their Sunday schools for the purpose of teaching our children the Bible. But churches only teach a fraction of the children, and then only for one hour on Sunday morning. There is no way we could stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching in the public schools.
For decades the Humanists have used the classrooms of this country to propagate their atheistic, socialistic beliefs. Especially in the 1960’s, when there was an influx of “different” programs presented as “alternatives” to the “oppressive” educational curriculum of the day (reading, writing and arithmetic are such a bore!) We began seeing drastic changes in curriculum around the country, in select schools at first. New Age Humanism had made its debut in the school system.
We were better off under Humanism, at least they taught our children the basics.
New Age leaders discovered that ushering in the New Age wasn’t going to be as easy as they thought. A lot of the older generation were being stubborn and resisted the plan. This new thing coming down the pike required a radical change, and change was hard for this generation. The old framework had served them well. This is possibly one reason why New Age leaders decided to push the Humanists aside and take over the public school system.
Their solution to the stubborn senior problem: never mind the old folks, go after their kids and take over the minds of the younger generation. “It may take a new generation growing up with the new idea for it to gain acceptance,” said Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspsiracy, considered by many to be the New Age bible. [Marilyn Ferguson, The Great Transformation (World Future Society, 1983)].
By the year 2000 the New Age expected to declare the Age of Aquarius. It must have been a very exciting event. Too bad CNN missed it so they could show the rest of us. Lord Matreya was supposed to come out in 1986, he didn’t. And now they have miscalculated again. They should know by now that they cannot rush Almighty God. He won’t allow it until He is ready. And only He knows when that will be. We do know, however, that He is alive and working.
Innovative educators, encouraged by the “findings” of humanistic psychology, developed techniques to help students: to validate themselves, to communicate more effectively with others, to enhance their self concepts, to express their feelings, to celebrate their bodies, to use their will, and to take responsibility for their lives.
These techniques include role playing, global education (not geography), journaling, transactional analysis, sex education, death education, various forms of psychological testing and, of course, situation ethics and values clarification.
Students have learned all about sexuality and pornography in their sex education classes. They know about the occult and Witches, werewolves, astrology, Ouija boards, the Great Spirit, and Mother Goddess. They know also that to mention the Bible, God and especially Jesus Christ in a public school classroom is to risk being sued by the ACLU.
Too many of our children, however, can’t read, don’t know how to write, or can’t add two and two. They don’t know geography, or the facts of American history. They don’t know what our system of government has meant to the preservation of freedom in the Western world.
In the 1940’s, before everybody got “validated,” about the worst disciplinary problems in the classroom were chewing gum, running in the halls, talking, getting-out-of-line, etc. Now that their values have been “clarified,” however, the children are coming to understand what Sidney Simon and the other developers of “values clarification” have desperately wanted them to learn: that the values, moral codes, and beliefs of their parents and church are out-moded and irrelevant, and that neither parents nor church has the right to impose those values on them. Any value they choose for themselves is the right one, whether it be deciding to engage in premarital sex or deciding they are homosexual at the age of 11, or that they have the right to get an abortion or to take drugs. As long as they have “freely chosen” their “value” and behavior themselves, it’s the right one, for there is no such thing as right or wrong, or black or white. But, if they should choose Christian values, they are made the laughing stock of the whole school. It would seem that we have “validated” several generations right into anarchy and hell.