Inside City Hall, 7-8-09
No one was disappointed in the First Annual Freedom Fest Parade. And it took a lot longer to line them up than it did to get downtown. I don’t know how many “floats” were in the parade, but quite a few. There were more than we had on the list. I want to thank everyone who found themselves in our parade. The huge tractors couldn’t be missed, but there were many smaller entries as well. We appreciate all those who rode on the various floats: the scouts, the veterans, the Lions, and the Little Miss contestants. If I missed one or some, I apologize.
The Mayor Mobile got too far behind and couldn’t catch up. I reckon the mayor needs to have a little mechanical surgery on his mower before next year, to spiff it up a few m.p.h. faster.
Thank you to all the folks who came out to watch the parade, and clean the streets of all that candy and ice cream. Thank you Lawrence Brother’s manager, Jay Haynie, for the ice cream, and cold drinks at the dance Saturday night. Someone commented that we could have had more people to watch the parade. It’s a trade off actually, considering how many folks were in the parade. Our folks made excellent use of the few shady spots along the route.
A special thanks to our own Police Department, David Petrusaitis and Ed Hunt for setting up the barricades and helping with the parade in general. AND to the Knox County Sheriff’s office for sending all their folks and vehicles, and I do mean ALL their folks. AND to Chief Harry Steen from the Knox City Police Department. AND to TX Dot for the permit and for the barricades. We couldn’t have done without their help, so thank then again when you see them around town, or the county.
Yes, we had a dance Saturday night, at the Downtown Park. And yes, it rained. When I arrived on the scene the broom brigade was removing water from the dance floor. For a few minutes everyone enjoyed a reprieve from the rain while several took to the floor.
Except for the rain, the dance was a success. If it takes scheduling a dance to get some rain around here, we will do that more often. But we Baptists don’t believe in rain dancing. But if what we did fits the it again.
Before I forget, the Little Miss Pageant was a great night of fun for a lot of folks and several little girls. These nine girls gained a lot of experience in their first quest for the crown. The pageant was another first for Munday. We will do it again, maybe a little different though. Next time we will open it up to the grandmothers as well. Why? Well, why not?
The Munday fire boys had barbecue sandwiches and hot dogs at the park for lunch. Quite a few people gathered under the pavilion to chat and chomp.
The Farmer’s Market was absent, again. However, there were two venders in the Downtown Park: selling burritos and Doggy Treats. Mary Ann’s burritos are always good, but I didn’t try one of Cynthia’s dog cookies. On the City Hall lawn was the Church of Christ women with cold tea and lemonade. For all the nay-sayers and non-goers, these three venders drew quite a crowd. Correction: four venders, well not exactly venders. Todd Wilson had some kittens, well, he was offering anyone a dollar to take them off his hands. Sorry Todd, you just never know when you’re gonna make the news.
As I was saying, if three venders could attract 50 people, how many could 50 venders attract. No algebra here, this is a myth-a-matical question. Everyone within 100 miles of Munday is starved for entertainment. But we all think there is no entertainment. Television certainly isn’t entertainment anymore. We still end up at home, where we complain at our spouses, or our pets. If we have neither, we howl at the moon. That presents us with an idea: a Moon Howling contest, on the nights of every full moon. Or, if you live near water, you can go on a moonlight swim.
Everyone who doesn’t get out on Saturady morning to set up a table of vegetables, or bakeware, or anything, is missing out on a lot of fun and blessings. Of course its hot, this is Texas in July, it’s supposed to be hot. Just never mind the heat, put on a straw hat and come on out.
The fourth of July weekend was great. We can’t have a parade every week, but we can make every week a good time. Work with me please, and let’s dream up creative and exciting things to do on our weekends in Munday. I’m suggesting a domino tournament to start with. Whose time is to shuffle?
We’ve got something started, let’s keep it going. And don’t forget to Market Munday.
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