Inside city hall, 6-10-09
The annual Munday City-Wide Garage Sale is Saturday, June 13. That’s this week for those who don’t have a calendar watch.
If you have put every thing off until now, get busy, get your junk and stuff out of the attic or storage and slap some cheap prices on it and consider it ready for the garage sale. The Chamber of Commerce is serious about the date, time and event, but let’s just be silly as all get out and have some fun. Visit everyone’s sale and see how much more stuff you can accumulate in a few hours.
For those who don’t have enough for a sale of their own, just load it up and donate it to the Chamber or to a neighbor of choice. At any rate it’s time to unload everything you haven’t used in over a year.
It’s too late to get your peg on the map, but you can pick up a map at the chamber office as early as 8:00 a.m. So get up and get out early before that sun gets too hot.
If you don’t have a garage to sell, but you do have other things, come on out anyway. If you would like to sell sandwiches, cold drinks, ice cream, snow cones, cars, trucks, tractors, fleas, puppies, kittens, used clothing, new clothing, slave labor, fleas, rabbits, chickens, autographs, furniture, wood, stone, bricks, dirt, stereo/computer equipment, lamps, fleas, photographs of Munday or Knox County, books, CDs, apple pies, cookies, Mexican food, quilts. Do you get the idea: use your imagination. The important thing is to get out and get reacquainted with our neighbors and maybe meet someone new.
The Council on Gardening and Farmer’s Market is announcing that Saturday will also be the Kick Off for the Munday Farmer’s Market. That is, if anyone has any fresh fruit or vegetables. Or, if you plan to spend hours and hours in the kitchen, a few fruit pies will sell fine. Just bring them and see. We can sell anything that’s fruity or veggie in the Farmer’s Market. Even refried beans.
We sent word up to Charley in case they had some fresh peaches to bring down. Wouldn’t you know it, the freeze got every one of them. So no peaches from Charley this year. We hinted toward Fredericksburg, but that’s a far peace for mental powers to work wonders. However, if you know someone, anyone, who has fresh produce, tell them to bring it in and meet us around the square, early.
Gardeners, if your produce isn’t ready this week, bring it in next week. Our plans are for the Farmer’s Market to be a permanent fixture in Munday. Even if we have to go somewhere else to buy it, let’s bring it here to sell it at our own Farmer’s Market. The biggest and the best of them started this way. We can do it too, and we will do it. We imagine that, at some point, the market will outgrow the square. That would be wonderful and we plan to expand if that happens. Think with us, work with us, and pray with us, that the right space will be available to us when the time comes. This is larger than us, so we will call it a God thing: He can provide what is needed, at the time it’s needed.
Saturday will only be what we, the citizens of Munday, make it. It can be another hot day with a few crazy people trying to get rid of their junk. Or it can be a day when everyone in town decides to have fun and make this day one to remember. Saturday can be a huge step in getting Munday on the right track toward a glorious future. Munday can be more than a tiny spot on that big Texas map. Munday can be a place where everyone wants to come and see for themselves: Munday is high cotton and golden wheat, and a whole lot more. Our dirt will grow anything.
The future begins now, so everyone come out and give your smile away. There are smiles, but then there are Munday smiles, straight from the heart. Good luck in your sales, or purchases. Oh, did I mention selling fleas? You know, flea market stuff. If you need answers not provided here, call 422-4540.
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