Dedicated to truth, wholesome living, loving our neighbor and walking the straight and narrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Inside City Hall, April 1, 2009

The front steps of the Yarbrough Hotel was a popular place to sit and watch traffic go by, and see who came in, or left, on the morning bus.

Bus service, like the train, decided to move its tracks elsewhere. All haven’t forsaken us, however. UPS, FEDEX and USPS still make regular deliveries to Munday.

If you want to sit and watch there are benchs in front of most buildings on Main Street. That’s right, Munday’s beautiful Main Street, with it’s beautiful lamps and red brick work. It is beautiful and we should all be proud of it. We can thank the state of Texas for that. Let’s not forget Centennial Park either. Keeping Munday Beautiful had a hand in getting a grant from the state of Texas for the work done there.

Yes, we have all of that to be proud of. Let’s move on to our next beautification project. Does anyone remember what our next project is?

It is a memorial park, to be across from the Dollar General Store. This is a Governor’s Award Grant and the contract will be let in May, so construction will begin in June or July of this year. We can all look forward to a monument containing photographs and bits of Munday history being erected on the premises. There will be grass, flowers, shrubs and trees to fill out the lot.

Perhaps we can create our own garden project somewhere near the new memorial via our community garden club. It’s not a done deal yet, but neither is it a dead deal either. Everyone interested in the project is invited to a special meeting Thursday night, April 2, at 7 p.m. at the Church of Christ activities center. Bring your questions and ideas and be ready for some active discussion and planning. Even if we don’t get seeds in ground this summer we can form an organization.

This will be the group that will give Munday its new look. Munday desperately needs a new look. Come one, come all, lets get organized to bring beautiful color all over Munday. Catch the vision, Knox Prairie Vision, full-color vision. Munday will become known for our beautiful year-round gardens. What’s wrong with that? Up beside some old tractor? Get on board now.


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