Dedicated to truth, wholesome living, loving our neighbor and walking the straight and narrow.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What would you do?

You are about to take a short test. It consists of only one question which is very, very important. Don't answer too quickly or without thinking. Answer truthfully and you will test your moral fiber. It is an imaginary situation, in which you have to make a decision. Remember, you have to give a spontaneous answer, but it must be truthful.
(Scroll down slowly to ensure the test is accurate...)

You are in Florida..... Miami, to be exact.

You are in the midst of the chaos of tremendous flooding after a hurricane.....

.....unbelievable amounts of water everywhere. You are a photographer for CNN.......

....and here you are, in the middle of an historic disaster.

The situation seems almost without hope. You're trying to shoot some great pictures that capture the scene...

....while all around you the flood swirls, houses float away, people disappear The power of nature is unleashed mercilessly with all its fury . . .

...and takes everything with it. Suddenly, you see a woman in an SUV.... She's struggling valiantly not to be swept away by the mass of debris in the flood.

You wade closer, against an angry current.

She seems somehow familiar.

Then you see her--it is Hillary Roddam Clinton!

Suddenly, you notice that the rising flood is about to sweep her away, forever. You have to make a choice: Save her, or snap the picture of your career!!!

Save her, or take the photo that will win you the Pulitzer prize.

One photo, which records the horrible accidental death of one of the most important women in the world....

Now, the question (answer truthfully!):

Glossy or matte finish?


Blogger Jackie said...

You ask difficult questions!!

3:02 AM


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