House of pallets
This is the finished "house of pallets." You see seven pallets stacked up there to make the frame for this wood shed. I added a few inches on the top so I wouldn't bump my head every time open the door. Now I made this to store wood in, one could make a similar shed and leave the shelves out. Why am I telling you this? Just the economics of this shed should be interesting to you. The only things I bought was the shingles and metal I put around the roof, and three small pieces of siding. I picked up this siding at The Home Depot for $1.05 each sheet out of their scrap box. The rest of the wood I scrounged from all over Fort Worth. In fact I have a regular route I check out from time to time. My pickup is trained to stop when there is wood on the side of the road. It's not that I'm tight with my money. I am, but I'm into recycling wood big time. When you can use wood again and save money to, it gets more interesting.
The photo on the left is the War Memorial at Benjamin. That's sister Sue Haynie in the picture. I found three Norvilles on the list of veterans who served in the armed forces during WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam conflict. I don't know how many names are there, but there have been lots of Knox County men who stood for and fought for our freedom. So this memorial is a fitting tribute to those men whose names are there and for the cause of freedom.
Love it, love it!!
The 'economics' of your project is what attracts me....something I need to pay very close attention to in the next few months!...for my own project!
4:22 AM
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