Dedicated to truth, wholesome living, loving our neighbor and walking the straight and narrow.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Remember how smart Freddy is. Well, he has a son named Teddy. And Teddy started to school Monday morning. Being the dutiful father, Freddy walks Teddy to the bus stop every day. Oh, and you remember those pecans I left in the wheel barrow? They are gone, every one of them. So Freddy, Teddy, and Betty have been busy storing up for the winter, which started today. Yep, we have at least half an inch of snow on the ground tonight. It's cold though. Garfield, the stray cat I feed, didn't show up today. I guess he found a warm place and stayed there. Josephine, a Calico cat, reappeared this week. I began feeding her in my shop when she was just a kitten. Then, one day, she vanished. Then, she reappered. She comes sniffing around the shop, no doubt looking for the cat food I used to keep out there. But, she won't let me near her now. At one time she would allow me to pet her. However, I noticed Garfield chasing her around the place. Maybe he followed her home. Do you reckon he will think to tell her I feed him on the front porch? I wonder what her kittens will look like. But then, I don't know where her new home is. I'll ask Garfield.


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