Apologies all around
One would rather have a hug than an attack. Wouldn't you say so? Well, most of you anyway.
When I wrote the Christians Unite article I shot from the hip. Man, I didn't think before I wrote. I didn't plan my words.
I am not a gay basher, as some have pointed out. Target is not a French-owned companty, nor are they necessarily pro-gay. The thing about the veterans was not right either. So, I have egg on my face today.
And, something else came to mind. What about all those innocent folks who work for Wal-Mart and Ford Motor Company, and others who are openly supporters of the gay agenda? These folks are just trying to support their families the best way they can. So we can't jeopardize them. No, it's the ones at the top we need go afer. This election sure shook things up, but the ones who are behind all the evil are way above the little politicians.
I'm still for orgainizing Christians. I will not back pedal on that issue. Would you covenant to pray with me on these matters, that God will direct our moves. We do need to network together in prayer groups, and meet for fellowship and encourage each other and keep each informed. We don't do this at church like we used to. We need to return to our roots, to the basics of Christianity. We need to sing those old songs that once lifted us up to the mountain top. O What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Jesus Loves Me. And many others. A chorous once in a while is fine, but a steady diet of them leaves us starved to hear and to sing the word JESUS like we used to. Too many songlets sing all around the Word, all about the Word, but few give us a chance to lift our voices in praise to Jesus.
And if I don't hush, pretty soon you will know what I believe about most everything.
You have entirely too much time on your hands, Buddy. Those of us who choose to still be in the workforce find more productive ways to spend our hours.
10:37 AM
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