Center for Reclaiming America for Christ 3/27/06
In two days I will be presenting your petitions to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's office, demanding that he take immediate action to stop the flow of taxpayer money that is funding the nation's largest abortion provider--Planned Parenthood!Today, many lawmakers are extremely sensitive to the plight of the unborn. Many are waffling on their position, fearing retribution come Election Day.That is why this particular petition delivery is so critical and why the Center is moving so aggressively to defund Planned Parenthood. Increasingly, more Americans are angered that their tax dollars are helping to kill unborn babies in our nation, and they want it stopped! Now, with news that two more pregnant women have died at the hands of RU-486, the dangerous abortion drug that is freely given out by Planned Parenthood, it is time to take a stand. But before I walk into Sen. Frist's office and demand action, I need to ask for a unique favor from you. I do not want to just present petitions. I want to reportserious grassroots activity. Specifically, when I walkinto Sen. Frist’s office, I would like to report to his staff that our servers are literally jammed with pro-life Americans trying to add their names to our petition! I want everyone in the senator's office to know that this is an issue that taxpaying Americans want addressed! Here is how we can make that happen together:
Alert Your Friends In the 36 hours that remain leading up to this presentation, I need team members to send this message to 30-40 pro-life friends requesting that they sign our petition and tell Sen. Frist, "Stop using my tax dollars to fund the killing of babies!" Simply have them click here to sign:
With the help of the more than 130,000 team members who have already signed our petition, I believe we can add an additional 20-25,000 signatures in 36 hours. But Iam counting on you to answer my call to action! In addition to alerting your pro-life friends, there is also a way for you to personally make your presence felt on Wednesday morning. Would you call the senator’s office and let him know where you stand on this issue? This is Sen. Frist's number: 202-224-3344
Please call Wednesday morning first thing and identify yourself as a member of the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ. Be sure to tell the staff that you don't want your tax dollars being used to fund Planned Parenthood's abortion agenda anymore! By forwarding this message and calling the senator's office, I am convinced this petition presentation will get theresults we are after!Thank you so much for standing with us in support of the unborn in our nation.
Dr. Gary Cass, Executive DirectorCenter for Reclaiming America for Christ.
P.S. I really appreciate you taking the extra time necessary to make this petition presentation all that it can be. Please alert your friends and request that they take immediate action so that they, too, can have a voice in this debate!
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