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Monday, June 29, 2009

Munday classes celebrate 50-51-year reunion

The Munday High School classes of ‘58 and ‘59 reunited over the past weekend in Wichita Falls. The class of ‘58 counted 14 former classmates and 23 represented the class of ‘59. Several spouses came along to see if their mates really did, in fact, graduate from Mogul High School.

Several exes who for one reason or another did not graduate with the core classes came out for this occasion. It was the 51st and 50th reunions for the classes. Everyone had a great time guessing the identities of others as they came through the door. Someone lamented, “What are we going to look like in another 50 years?” As the group picture shows, the classes of ‘58 and ‘59 are a nice-looking bunch.

The whole group spent several hours just getting reacquainted and making discoveries at every table. This was not a cookie-cutter batch of graduates. One had built an aerospace company, another had his Ph.D.. There were nurses, policemen, farmers, missionaries, career military people, real estate people, housewives, and many other careers represented. There was not a dunce in either class. Never was.

Highlighting the entire weekend was the auction on Saturday evening. Newly-elected class president, Gaylon Allred, acted as the auctioneer. Allred, a retired bank executive, treated each piece as a work of art mounted in solid gold. As a result every item sold for a lot more than it was worth, bringing in over $1,500 for the next class reunion in two years.

One of the items had sentimental value to one person: A name plate that had formerly indicated the residence of Staff Sergeant David Rister at Carswell A.F.B. housing. At some time in the intervening years the name plate came to Munday came to rest at the home of David’s parents. Somehow the plate fell to the floor and eventually worked its way beneath the house, where it stayed for several years. A year or so ago it showed up. Dorothy Myers moved in next door to the, by this time dilapidated house. As the floor was being removed, there it was, laying in the dirt as good as new.

Recently Dorothy gave the sign to Jackie Lowrance in hopes she could return it to David. Imagine the look on David’s face when he saw the sign among the items to be sold at auction. The weekend was in fact a re-union of the sign and David. It was a great weekend for all.


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